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Minnesota Amateur Radio Consortium (MN-ARC) is a 501 c 3 corporation in the state of Minnesota formed from the original name of MN Affiliated Radio Clubs for the purpose of bringing clubs together for sharing their issues and working together to grow our  hobby.  Also,  to sponsor an ARRL State Convention to provide an expansion of ideas to encourage experienced and new hams to learn something new, to put into practice in their everyday ham radio experience.

In October 2023, 25 seminars plus an ARRL forum was produced at Hennepin Technical College in Brooklyn Park.  231 registered to attend the first state convention in at least 15 years. With seed money from 13 clubs and organizations, and a small profit from the 2023 convention, MN-ARC was formed.  Over the past year since the convention in 2023, the 2024 North Star Radio Convention is being developed, with a robust program to present, a youth lounge,  a printed sponsored program, more signage, and a way to overcome the technological challenges that the 2023 convention was faced with.

As a non-profit corportion, our policies and information are open to examination by the public. Therefore the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws on how we will operate are available here.  Any questions can be communicated to the the board of Directors by emailing

Mike Miller
Chair, MN-ARC

July 10, 2024


Articles of Incorporation                      North Star Radio Convention